Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Game Design Meeting, Wednesday, February 29

Hi Luigites,

Welcome to 9th week! Normal meetings on Wednesday. If I can manage my time correctly, I'll bring in a baked good of some kind for leap day. 

In gaming news, we totally forgot to give a shout-out to the PlayStation Vita that came out last Wednesday.  Pokemon: Black and White 2 was recently announced. Brian showed me about a really cool game Dear Esther that came out on the 14th.  Mass Effect 3 comes out next Tuesday.  I'm going to try to get in the loop about these things and include them in these weekly announcements.  Maybe I get also upcoming game sales and stuff too. Feel free to send info my way if you want it included.

Wednesday, February 29
Harper 135 - 6-7pm: 
Project: Van Gogh's Ear - Rabbit Holes
We'll spend today brainstorming rabbit holes and listing out some groups/RSO's we should consider making contact with. We'll also draw up some symbols and continue discussion on structure.

Harper 145 - 7-8pm: 
Discussion: An Intro to Flixel
If you're like me, you have a lot of interest in making digital games but don't actually know how to start. Well that time is over! I want to make games for two final projects, so it's time to get coding and I'm bringing you guys along with me. This week, we'll begin looking at the Flixel game-making library developed by the amazing Adam "Atomic" Saltsman. Feel free to bring your computer along with you to follow along during the tutorial, but download the library and a development environment first. Also, if you are willing to let me use your computer to use and hook up to the projector (especially if you have Adobe FlashBuilder), I would be very grateful. We're also starting a thread on the message board about it, which you can find here.

Additionally, we have a bit of administrative stuff to talk about for a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting, primarily about next quarter. Think up some possible events, game night themes, or meeting discussion topics so we can have the best Spring quarter ever.
